Our Essentials team left this week for a 3 1/2 week short-term missions trip that we like to call the Outreach. The team landed in Costa Rica where they were tested for COVID before continuing on to Nicaragua. We want to invite you to travel along with us through our blog, which will be written by our students and include pictures from their journeys. Enjoy!

[Shelby Sander] Over The first couple of months of ACTS Essentials, I have been learning the importance of serving others. I always thought of serving as a chore and as something I was forced to do and when I came to Acts my attitude was completely changed, We did local ministry every Thursday where we went out and served someone in the community whether it was painting lampposts or laying a brick pathway, I loved seeing the joy on the faces of the people we served and I am excited to continue helping here in Costa Rica and in Nicaragua. ACTS has truly changed my perspective; I often forget how blessed I am and getting to see life from a new perspective here in Costa Rica has helped to remind me.
[Chandler McCoy] So we had woken up at 5:45 am which was earlier than early for most of us, we traveled down to Seattle and got to the airport, where we explored around and had some lunch for about an hour and a half then we caught our first flight, I personally had a ton of fun on take-off and landing but others would disagree. We then had a 12-minute layover where we almost missed our flight to San Jose but we got to ride a tram thing so it was worth it. After landing we got off at around 12 their time and we were exhausted but happy, finally we got onto a bus and drove about 35 minutes to rice and beans, and now we’re here so all in all, it was an experience.
[Sarah Goyne] After a long day of traveling and an almost missed flight, we finally made it to Rice and Beans Ministries in Costa Rica!! What a joy and delight it is to be here! The ministry is nestled up in the mountains with views of San Jose, a volcano, and lots of tropical plants. We’ve been preparing for our time in Nicaragua by working on skits, games, and music that we will share with the local people. We also have had the opportunity to help the ministry here by cleaning up the property, harvesting yucca roots, and passing out food bags in the local community! It has been such a blessed and enriched time here that has been full of joy, God’s divine providence, and a few minor sunburns. 🙂 If you all could be praying for the journey to Nicaragua and that we would make it there safely that would be greatly appreciated! Love and miss you all!
5 thoughts
We are praying for the team and for them to grow in the Lord and in His work.
I love hearing and seeing your progress!! And praying daily, with an emphasis on Hannah J! ♥️
So glad that you are finally there. Remember – Jesus talked about light, salt and leaven. All 3 change the environment that they are put in. You go and do the same. Praying!
I am praying that God will use your team to help but most importantly to share the gospel with the local people. May the Lord go before you in all you do. 🙏❤
You guys rock, keep up the good work for our Lord! 😉👍🙏
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