Our Staff

Jeff + Val Sutton

Jeff and Val have spent most of their lives together joyfully serving the Lord in Germany, Romania and the United States.  They co-founded Great Commandments Ministries in 1997 and started ACTS in 2004.

Jeff and Val are called to fulfill the Great Commission through the discipleship of young adults. For over 30 years they have been dedicated to this pursuit and they remain passionate in their desire to see young people grow deep roots in Christ.  Val directs the hospitality ministry at GCM, serves as a mentor to the women on our ministry team at home and abroad, and disciples young women in our program. Jeff serves as Executive Director of GCM overseeing our staff and stewarding the direction of our varied ministries under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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Dan + Kristin Hayes

Dan and Kristin Hayes have been joyfully serving Christ with Great Commandments Ministries since 2004. Prior to joining the GCM staff, Dan and Kristin were discipled within a community of believers on their college campuses.

It was during these formative years that they developed a passion to follow Jesus and a love for this age group.  Together they want to see more young adults loving Jesus, studying His Word and learning how to live boldly for Him in this world. They’ve had the privilege of walking alongside hundreds of ACTS students for over a decade now! Dan serves as the ACTS Director and oversees GCM’s weekly college outreach. Kristin is the “creative genius” behind the graphic design for Great Commandments and is also engaged in discipling women alongside her own four children (Eden, Lucas, Noah, and Shepherd). The Hayes seek to pour themselves out in love; listening, counseling, exhorting and encouraging students to a deeper walk with Christ.

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Pete + Cheryl Williamson

Pete serves as the Director of Sojourn and Ascent. Pete and his wife, Cheryl, are excited to be a part of the GCM team! Pete had been a guest teacher for ACTS since 2015 and quickly grew to love the work at GCM. At the end of 2018 Pete joined the GCM staff after previously serving for 14 years as a church planter and pastor in Bellingham, WA.

He and Cheryl married in 1995 and have been blessed with four children (Kristian, Noah, Naomi, and Nate).They have a shared passion for discipling young people, seeing the church built up and thriving, as well as sending workers out into the harvest both locally and around the world. Pete serves as the Director of Sojourn and the Director of the Ascent program.

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Anca Rowland

Anca has been connected to GCM since the first ACTS outreach in 2004 when we partnered with her home church in Iasi, Romania. She attended ACTS in 2008 where she met her husband. Together they served in Eclesia International, a GCM church plant in Romania. Anca is now serving in accounting, manages the ministry staff support and ACTS Admissions.

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Claudia Topala

Claudia has been connected with GCM since 2014, when she began attending then serving with our Eclesia International Church in Iasi, Romania. She attended ACTS in 2017 and soon after we invited her to join our home base ministry staff. As one who loves Christ, Claudia has a strong desire to invest her life in the discipleship of others.

From our home base here in Tieton, Claudia commits herself to proactive mentorship. In early morning prayer or while sharing a cup of coffee, Claudia provides practical guidance to students as they navigate through various challenging situations. With a dedicated heart for counseling women, showing hospitality, and working diligently for the glory of God, Claudia is an outstanding example to our students who come to ACTS. In many tangible ways she serves our team with integrity and biblical wisdom.

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Henrik Pellicer

A skilled craftsman who loves the Lord, Henrik is so grateful for the grace of God in his life. After 16 years acquiring skills and perspective in the heart of Los Angelas, God brought Henrik back to his hometown to serve with Great Commandments Ministries.

Henrik is humbled to be able to intentionally use his gifts for discipling ACTS students. In many practical ways, Henrik’s mechanical, construction, maintenance and musical abilities strengthen the work at GCM. Whether leading music or digging a trench, Henrik longs to serve in all things, to the Glory of God!


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GCM Romania Staff 

Paul + Doriane Schneider

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Case + Axelle Duncan

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William & Lidia Ong

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GCM Mexico Staff 

Scott + Tammy Provins

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