The people and children are so kind and hospitable. They love more expressively and passionately than some Christians I know. I’ve learned about hospitality and building others up. God calls us to love supernaturally and I feel as if I can take the love that I have witnessed and has touched me by taking it back home for the glory of God.

While being here I have seen that God truly does go before us each day, preparing the way and that he controls and is sovereign over everything. We visited and spread the love of Jesus at a Buddhist school. I mean, c’mon, only God can do that.

We sang the same songs we do in America with Thai people. Two completely different languages and praising the same glorious God. It was beautiful.

Another thing I have learned while being in Thailand is music, love, gifts, are also a universal language. We want to this place called Thapae Gate in Chiang Mai and did our gospel drama. Beforehand, Dan said we should go out and invite others. I was afraid but I prayed to my Saviour, asking him for boldness and that he may be glorified. After the drama I met a group of about 5 Thai boys who watched the drama and loved Jesus. None of them spoke English and I only know how to “Hello,” “What’s your name?” “My name is…” and “Jesus loves you,” but the love that we shared, the joy and laughter that transcends language barriers was so amazing and only comes from the God. Shortly after I visited Dan and he was talking to a lady named Kay. She was a Tarot reader. The gospel drama touched her and she was crying. I talked with her about my past and my life before I knew Jesus (I used to read Tarot too). We shared the love of Jesus with her and the hope and security only he provides.

A few other takeaways and quotes I’ve been holding onto:

  • Ecclesiastes 3:11 – “He has made everything beautiful in his time.”
  • Also I was looking for that verse a lady named Sarah said, “Hey, where are you from?” I told her America. I asked her where she was from. She said Mongolia. I asked her what brought her to Thailand. She said where she’s from was super cold and she just wanted to come somewhere warm. Then I told her why I was here and that I was from a Bible school training to be a disciple. She pointed around the room and said that we all looked so happy and she asked me to teach her something from the Bible. I asked her to come sit with me and asked her if she knew anything about Jesus. She said she doesn’t know anything and how her boyfriend left her and she feels broken and was hurting and I shared my testimony with her along with the gospel, the Fall and the hope and love that only Jesus provides. I mean only God can orchestrate that and I know that his word doesn’t come back void. We prayed and then she had to go. This happened the last day of Thailand and is one of the many amazing things God orchestrated on this trip!
  • Isaiah 55:10

– Faith Kestyus


One thought

  • What you shared brought tears to my eyes! How good God is to show you His power by giving you confidence in Him when you were feeling afraid to talk to others. I’ve prayed that many times, too!

    And wow! So thankful that God brought Kay and Sarah to be able to talk with you. May those seeds continue to be watered – God will give the increase! 🌱

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