Apply For ACTS Ascent
Our ACTS application process is designed to help our staff get to know you, just a little bit.
Applying for ACTS can take 45 to 90 minutes.
It is possible to save your ACTS application at any point, if you need to take a break. To do that though, you’ll need to create an account or login below. After doing so you will see a “save draft” button appear near the ‘next’ or ‘submit’ button on your application form. If you don’t want to create an account, that’s OK too, but you won’t be able to save your progress.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team
Note: In section B the questions ask for a bit longer answers. Thus, it may be better for you to complete the written answers in a separate document, then copy and paste them into the online application so you don’t somehow lose them and have to start over!
Colossians 2:6-7
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
In order to process your application we must receive each of the items listed below. We have provided a checklist for your convenience. Please make sure all sections are filled out completely and that supplementary items are sent with your application.
- Complete Application
- Physician’s Release MUST BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED! Physician must fill out top half, applicant must sign the bottom half). NOTE: If your medical form is taking longer than expected to complete, go ahead and send the rest of the application in and then the medical form as soon as it is ready.
- Mail or Email [email protected] a recent, wallet-size photo of yourself.
- Distribute the Confidential Reference Form to three references (either online) or downloading and printing this PDF). Give one to your pastor/youth pastor, one to a teacher or employer, and one to a mature Christian friend. Provide your reference with a pre-addressed stamped envelope if sending by mail.
- We must have your non-refundable application fee of $40 before we are able to process your application. If submitting by check please make payable to GCM.
P.O. Box 942
Naches, WA 98937 USA