ACTS did a great job of preparing us for what to expect in Thailand ahead of time, but going into it was completely different. The most eye-opening thing I saw in Thailand (several times) that reflected this was seeing a mother with her son sitting at the booth in which she was selling her handmade souvenirs…waiting for customers to come by. It was hot and humid, uncomfortable, and tiring, but she waited. Four hours passed by and she was still there, her son lying in her lap, eyelids falling. It was around 10:00 pm and was well past a 3-year-old’s bedtime. It opened my eyes to how privileged we are and comfortable in America. This mother worked to support her family by making crafts in the morning and selling them at night. Their culture is completely different. What we find comfortable like a warm shower, a mattress, a toilet to sit on, they don’t have, and it’s normal for them. Christ opened up a heart of gratitude in me and compassion for these people.

– Aliah Widmer


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